Stephen Bornstein, conceptual Artist and professional Industrial Designer, has created real 3-D images that actually occupy volumetric space and time. This is a “virtual” recreation of realty. This is not real. It is projected light, fleeting, temporal and illusionary.
This installation invites interactivity by encouraging the viewer to bring their own iPod. Before their eyes, they can watch their favorite music morph in 3-D.
"This is not an optical illusion or separate binocular images assembled in your mind’s eye. There it is – a pulsating kinetic form undulating to music or your voice. A miniature woman dancing to an old Lou Reed tune. A complex 3-D computer game that’s more like hunting wild ducks then clicking a mouse." -Bornstein
"I’ve been working on this for 45 years. Starting with 16mm underground films in the 60’s and then graduating to multiple 35mm projectors on dissolve units and computer created slides. Finally, using dynamic computer programs and video clips on hi-tech multi-media projectors. And of course, four decades of experimentation, culling, tweaking, and counter-intuitive breakthroughs from 3am discoveries." -Bornstein